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Lucent Education - Free (New york)

Lucent Education
Price: Free
Address: New york, New York, United States
Business Address1: New York, NY 10016 Greenwich Village Get Directions Transit information 1 2 Houston St. and 2 more stations Phone number (650) 427-0754
Date Posted: Sep 21 2014
Partner Stanford University, MA Education Policy Tufts University, BA, Psychology and Child Development Based in San Francisco Bay Area With an extensive background in the field of education management, Agnes has over 7 years in working with students in a variety of capacities. Agnes has edited hundreds of resumes and application essays. She has successfully supported entrance to many colleges and specializes in smaller liberal arts colleges and universities on the East Coast. The first person you’re likely to get in contact with at LucentEd, Agnes is happy to chat with you over the phone, gchat, fb chat, skype, you name it. Read more about Agnes’ story here. Email: Tilia Wong Partner Stanford University, Graduate School of Business, MBA San Jose State University, BS, Civil Engineering Based in New York Tri-State Area

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